Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27

Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27
alaScore 85

111 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 111 tester för Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.1/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra produkter i samma kategori belönas Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27 med en alaScore™ på 85/100 = Mycket bra kvalitet.


(Baserad på 111 recensioner)

1 experttester



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Användarrecension ( review summary for Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27


alaTest has collected and analyzed 105 user reviews of Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27 from The average user rating for this product is 4.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on

86% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Expertrecension från : AkG (

Nixeus NX-VUE27P 1440P IPS Monitor Review


As LCD monitor technology matures and continues to grow in capacity, options that were once well outside the average buyer's budget have suddenly

Conclusion; Extreme Value Despite Some Missteps The Nixeus NX-VUE27P is a rather impressive low-cost monitor that absolutely proves just how far the

Apr 2017

Användarrecension (

Went from OK to Meh


For an IPS monitor, I was surprised when I noticed that banding had developed, which ruined the whole purpose of buying this monitor for professional graphics work. Had to move it over as a secondary screen and purchase another IPS for my main. The...

- High-res (1440p) - Adjustable height and tilt - Great as a secondary non-essential screen

- Wide bezel (overall bulky appearance) w/ gloss finish - Glossy screen - Developed banding after warranty ran out

Dec 2015

Användarrecension (



Get it

This is an absolute spectacular monitor. So, the previous guy had some problems. It sucks and it happens. You talk to the company and they fix it ; Their service is outstanding and have even handled any problems that I have super fast and they are very...


Feb 2015

Användarrecension (

Excellent Monitor


Works like a charm with Macbook Pro.Great customer service too

None so far

Nov 2014

Användarrecension (

Poor construction.


Just a waste of time.

The base is heavy and fairly solid

Packaged loosely ; The glass was coming out of the frame when I opened the package ; DisplayPort on the monitor itself does not connect well, and hangs at a slight angle ; Mini-DisplayPort cable produced a screen with static on it (flickering pixels) ;...

Aug 2014

Användarrecension (



None, product fails to meet minimum standard of advertised functionality

There is a strip in the middle of the monitor where signal is not reaching the the main monitor pane. It is about 3 inches wide ; The monitor has been only used lightly ; It seems probable that the monitor was not correctly repaired ; This combined...

Jun 2014

Prisjämförelse för Nixeus Vue NX-VUE27

Inga priser funna för denna produkt