Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers
alaAverage 4

6 tester

Sep 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 6 tester för Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.


Användare ger produkten betyget 80/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 6 recensioner)


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Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


I came across a used set of KG .5 speakers in white in 2015. I bought them in a Photo/Stereo store. They were asking $99.00 and I figured I'd add them to my system. They blew me away!

Mar 2017

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


Let me just say strait out... all the reviews are fine and these speakers are nice. However...that this review list and labels these as floorstanding speakers is utterly stupifying! I mean seriously! They are friggen speed bumps! you put these on the...

Jun 2014

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


I purchased my first set of these terrific speakers in 1996. I just upgraded my system to AC-3/DTS and discovered that I needed to match the original set. I lucked out on E-Bay and won a bid on my second set for $120.00. The same that I paid on the...

Nov 2001

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


I am using these speakers for my rear surrounds in my all Klipsch DD/DTS Surround sound system and they rock. They have the capabilities to handle any amount of sound that they need to. I like my music and movies loud and these have no problems keeping...

Jul 2001

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


I've had these speakers for over five years. I've tried them in big rooms, little rooms, dead rooms, lively rooms, with about 4 different amps, and all I can say is... these speakers are just plain awful. Absolutely zero bass response, and the...

Jul 2001

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers


This is probably the most musical speaker I've heard in my

Prisjämförelse för Klipsch KG.5 Floorstanding Speakers

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