Pinnacle AC Sub100

Pinnacle AC Sub100
alaScore -1

4 tester

Sep 2024

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Expertrecension från (

Sub-$100 Digest: The End of 2003


The year 2003 is ending and it's time to sum up the events...We touched upon it in our 3Digest as well, and today we are just to draw a bottom line.

Dec 2003

Expertrecension från : Kevin Hunt (

Pinnacle AC Sub 100 Subwoofer


Get a load of those feet. Someone slipped a set of solid-brass isolation cones on Pinnacle's AC Sub 100, a working-class $350 subwoofer dressed humbly in black vinyl. So what's with the magic slippers? Another Cinderella story perhaps? Or is it merely...

Even so, the AC Sub 100, paired with an assortment of PSB Alpha speakers and the Outlaw receiver, makes a superb entry-level setup for less than $1,600. The 10-inch driver needed an extended break-in, so I left the Pinnacle's crossover at its highest...

Apr 2001

Expertrecension från : Kevin Hunt (

Pinnacle AC Sub 100 Subwoofer


The Search Is Over: Pinnacle's AC Sub 100 subwoofer is the perfect fit for many systems, not just budget ones. Get a load of those feet. Someone slipped a set of solid-brass isolation cones on Pinnacle's AC Sub 100, a working-class $350 subwoofer...

Mar 2001

Expertrecension från : Kevin Hunt (

Pinnacle AC Sub 100 Subwoofer


Get a load of those feet. Someone slipped a set of solid-brass isolation cones on Pinnacle's AC Sub 100, a working-class $350 subwoofer dressed humbly in black vinyl. So what's with the magic slippers? Another Cinderella story perhaps? Or is it merely...

Mar 2001

Prisjämförelse för Pinnacle AC Sub100

Inga priser funna för denna produkt