Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 6 tester för Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Basen och designen uppskattas av recensenterna.

prisvärdhet, design, mellanregister, bas

Användare ger produkten betyget 80/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 6 recensioner)


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Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


I say the monitor 7 is the best sounding speaker I have ever owned. I have had Bose, Klipsch, and Pioneer and I like this the best. Very even sound. Good deep bass(a lot better than I thought it would be) and great punchy mids and hi's. Can however be...

Sep 2016

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


The best speakers ever in the market.

Sep 2012

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


I have been seriously collecting good Hi Fi equipment since the early sixties. In the past I have owned AR3a's, Bozak Concert Grands, Klipschorn's, Bose 901's, AR9's, & AR9LS's. I am currently AR3a speakers that have been modified with Dynaudio drivers...

Jan 2003

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


i am very happy with these speakers i bought 4 at different time on u-bid for what i felt were very inexpensive compared to prices at retail stores. i use them for my home theater and they kick butt.i did have a problem with one grill but man. replaced...

Dec 2002

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


It amazes me how much the reviews vary for these speakers - people either love them and think that they are a great value, or they despise them and think that they are junk.

Apr 2002

Användarrecension (audioreview.com)

Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers


I have just auditioned the mfm-7 and I can now verify others complaints. The MFM-5 is a better all round speaker than the MFM-7. The extra woofer actually muddies up the sound.. if you're a person who believes that size matters.. well these speakers...

Nov 2001

Prisjämförelse för Wharfedale MFM7 Floorstanding Speakers

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