Dash ® Rapid Peeler DAP001RD

Dash ® Rapid Peeler DAP001RD
alaAverage 4.2

5 tester

Sep 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Dash ® Rapid Peeler DAP001RD hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 5 tester för Dash ® Rapid Peeler DAP001RD. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.2/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.2/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Användarvänligheten uppskattas av många.


Användare ger produkten betyget 84/100 i genomsnitt.


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Användarrecension (crateandbarrel.com)

Glad it was on sale--not worth it


I bought this to replace my old hand-turn version for apples especially. Unfortunately, it did a bad job of getting the peel off from top to bottom-only did the middle portion well. Also, it doesn't slice the apple as my old one does. Will be giving...

Jun 2016

Användarrecension (crateandbarrel.com)



We make a lot of apple pies from scratch and this nifty gadget saves on prep time for sure. Plus its SUPER fun to watch! And the peels usually come off in one piece ... I almost feel bad tossing them ... they look like food art!

Maj 2016

Användarrecension (crateandbarrel.com)

Easy to use!


If you like apple pies, like my family does, you'll enjoy having this in your kitchen. Love the red color which matches my kitchen and it's convenience.

Nov 2015

Användarrecension (crateandbarrel.com)

Works great!


I just received it and peeled two farm fresh cucumbers. I had to cut one in half to fit but it peeled much quicker than I could have. Wish the bottom part that holds the fruit/ veg in space would remove for cleaning but it was easy enough to wipe off.

Aug 2015

Användarrecension (crateandbarrel.com)

I love the Rapid Peeler


This is a great product, Im very happy with the way it works and it seems very durable.

Jul 2015

Prisjämförelse för Dash ® Rapid Peeler DAP001RD

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