Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders

Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders
alaAverage 4.1

26 tester

Sep 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 26 tester för Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.1/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.2/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 82/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 26 recensioner)



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Användarrecension (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders


alaTest has collected and analyzed 22 user reviews of Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 3.9/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com.

82% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Sep 2024

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Very noisy - weak plastic drive sprocket design


Great quality. Simple to use. Blends to smooth textures. Glass jug. Fits accessories.

The jar only holds 5 cups which might or might not be an issue.

Sep 2007

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

who knew you were right in front of me all along


I feel like I've been dating blenders for the past 6 months. First my old Oster of 15 years was thrown out. Really this is my fault. It was a good blender. Reliable, powerful...just kinda boring. After 15 years, I got a dishwasher and the plastic ...

Great quality. Simple to use. Blends to smooth textures. Glass jug. Fits accessories

The jar only holds 5 cups which might or might not be an issue

Sep 2007

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Finally found a good one


Osterizer is a name that has been around for years and after trying many different blenders and them eventually failing on me, I decided to try the "original." I have tried Hamilton Beach, Rival and Cuisinart and had problems with them all. This one is...

Great Powerful Classic Blender


Mar 2007

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Oster 4127 Beehive 2-Speed Blender


Great Powerful Classic Blender


Mar 2007

Prisjämförelse för Oster Contemporary Classic Beehive Blenders

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