Passport Furniture 1710

Passport Furniture 1710
alaAverage 4.7

124 tester

Sep 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Passport Furniture 1710 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 124 tester för Passport Furniture 1710. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.7/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.2/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 93/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 124 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 11 av 124 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Passport Furniture 1710


alaTest hat 1 Kundenbewertungen für Passport Furniture 1710 von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 5.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte auf

100% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Sep 2024

Användarrecension (

Less than I expected but still nice


It had a very difficult time crushing frozen fruit and ice to make a smoothie. I tried if again the next day to grind up some raw carrots and it worked much better. It is a pretty good product overall but is marked with a smoothie on the back of the...

Easy To Clean; Stable

Not Powerful; Poor Pitcher

Dec 2018

Användarrecension (

Amazing fruit mixer


Frankly , when I used this product I liked it , I loved it very much , and more importantly, how to mix it with the fruits in an excellent way and also easy to clean it .... In fact and to not prolong you , I give this blender an excellent mark and I...

Easy To Clean; Good Pitcher; Powerful; Precise Control; Stable

Dec 2018

Användarrecension (

Pretty awesome


I love this!!

Easy To Clean; Powerful

Hard to Clean

Dec 2018

Användarrecension (

nice product


A beautiful need easy to use and the most beautiful thing that it is easy to clean does not make me intolerant and annoyed because it is a little water and soap is the cleaning used in all the purposes of the kitchen The work of juices and ice cream...

Easy To Clean; Good Pitcher; Powerful


Nov 2018

Användarrecension (

Excellent and very handy!


One of the best pieces of equipment in my kitchen, I would never trade this for anything. It does it all. Crush, blend, chop, puree. it does it all! Very versatile and worth every single penny!

Easy To Clean; Good Pitcher; Powerful; Precise Control; Stable

Nov 2018

Användarrecension (

I would purchase again


Great product and easy to use

Easy To Clean; Powerful; Precise Control; Stable

Nov 2018

Användarrecension (

Vitamin professional series 200


Nice and easy

Easy To Clean; Good Pitcher; Powerful; Precise Control; Stable

Okt 2018

Användarrecension (

King of mixers


This is the king of mixers. This does it all from soups, Grins herbs , and mix bread dough I love this

Easy To Clean; Good Pitcher; Powerful

Okt 2018

Användarrecension (

i would buy this



Sep 2018

Användarrecension (

Nice product


I strongly recommend you to buy this product because it has specific characteristics compared to other mixers. is a great super mixer, before my mother was suffering and wasting a lot of time looking on a good mixer but now we found the solution is...

Easy To Clean; Powerful; Stable

Poor Pitcher

Sep 2018

Prisjämförelse för Passport Furniture 1710

Inga priser funna för denna produkt