MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth

MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth
alaAverage 3.9

5 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 5 tester för MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.2/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 87/100 och experter ger produkten betyg 70/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 5 recensioner)




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Användarrecension ( review summary for MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth


alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 user reviews of MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth from The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Expertrecension från : Gordon Kelly (

MoGo Mouse: The Ultimate Laptop Companion?


Slides away into a PC Card slot, how cool is that...?

Dec 2006

Expertrecension från : Paul Miller (

The MoGo MouseBT stows away in your PC card slot


If you're tired of storing loose change in your laptop's oft neglected PC card slot, Newton Peripherals has a new one for you. They'll be unveiling their MoGo MouseBT at CES this year, and it is just that: a Bluetooth mouse that stows away in your PC...

Dec 2005

Användarrecension (



This is the greatest mouse in the world for those who find there laptops in some of the most rediculous places. When the plastic cracked, Newton had a replacement to me in 3 days. I was supprised that it broke in the first place. It is stronger than it...

No more adapters or little dongles

The plastic is a little fragle

Feb 2008

Prisjämförelse för MoGo Mouse BT - Mouse - optical - 2 button(s) - wireless - Bluetooth

Inga priser funna för denna produkt